A community, a family, a village. We share the deepest intention to find and discover our eating peace in every bite. The Work of Byron Katie is our method: investigating mind, questioning beliefs, changing our eating.

Come for a month, a year, or ongoing as long as this practice supports you. Feeling eating peace means expanding ourselves as a force of peace and empowerment in all areas of our lives. Let's do The Work!

START ANY TIME: stay as long, or as short, as you need
No minimum time required for membership

Eating Peace is for everyone.

The only pre-requisite for membership is a desire to stop over-eating or under-eating, to stop using willpower or fad dieting, and the willingness to question your mind.

Practice identifying the stories that fuel eating off-balance, question them to the core, and transform your experience of eating, weight and food.

"I hope you know how fabulous this last year+ has been with you and this group. I feel like I've expanded beyond myself with anything & everything in my life, not just food and eating." ~ EPIC participant 2023 

Eating Peace Circle: A Community of Support and Transformation

Click here to visit Frequently Asked Questions about EPIC

Eating Peace Membership Circle is an ongoing practice in The Work for people concerned with stress eating, weight, disordered eating, endless dieting, emotional eating and crazy eating.

We're identifying our thoughts and questioning them, and finding our living turnarounds so we change our ways of eating at the deepest level.

No matter how far down the road of suffering you’ve gone, or for how many years you’ve been struggling and upset with eating or your weight….there’s a place for you at this table of life.   

Eating Peace is possible for anyone who is willing to shift and question their belief systems. You don’t have to know how….you only need to be willing to try. 

How many of us tip into the weird compulsions of overeating, inhaling sugary or industrial foods, never feeling satisfied, feeling defeated by cravings?

It must not be personal, since so many of us have gotten caught in the uproar of compulsion.

But when it hurts, and continues, and causes greater and greater suffering, then it gets really horrible.

Sometimes people have the thought that life is not worth living under such circumstances.

That despairing thought would float through my own mind when I was severely bulimic and felt so out of control in the way I engaged with food, losing whole hours of a day or night, hurting my body badly.

I did so many things to STOP the insanity!

I went to couseling (I added them up once, about 20 if you count a few one-time sessions). I did the program "est". I joined a Course in Miracles study group. I did a 9 month program in personal growth and emotional happiness.

Workshops, retreats, courses. Hunting for peace with eating, with my mind.

I enrolled in a therapy group.

I even got a Master's Degree in Applied Behavioral Science because I was so interested in learning how to conquer insane emotional behavior like binge-eating and vomiting, and understanding better what makes people tick.

(Well, OK, what made ME tick and how I could fix it).

Over time, slowly but surely, I dropped the extreme drama with food, after ten years of eating and vomiting.

But I still obsessed. I still felt too fat. I still did not feel really free.

Not until I bumped into The Work of Byron Katie and discovered it was possible to clearly identify what my troubled emotions and urges were trying to communicate--the thinking behind these wild feelings--and deeply, fundamentally question the thoughts!

WOW! There was a reason for my troubled inner feelings?

And I could do something with them, instead of try to get rid of them?

What a relief.

Not just a relief, but a totally life-changing practice for me.

A way of life: question your thinking, change your world.

Now I like to say when it comes to eating issues and noticing our eating is off-balance: question your thinking, change your eating.

It is indeed a practice.

Most of us know how to eat, and what to eat that's healthy and works with our bodies in general.

When we commit to eating with ease and with peace, the mind might have other ideas when we get scared, or we're super used to eating when worried, lonely or unloved.

I noticed when the enchantment of food was dissolving in my life, I had a time when I felt afraid.

You mean food won't actually take away my feelings of fear, powerlessness, boredom, angst or betrayal?

You mean the perfect body won't make me happy?

How do I survive with all these difficult feelings then?

I won't make it! I need my soother of food! I need to be sedated!

But who would you be without the underlying belief that sounds like this: "I can't take this moment, this moment (life) is boring, I don't want to experience this (feelings, conversations), this moment isn't good enough"?

Who are we without this thought that the moment needs improvement?

So many moments, feelings, experiences appear to have needed improvement.

Are you serious about this question "who would you be without that thought?"


If we aren't thinking about how bad any given moment was or currently is....what's the actual problem?

You won't feel like eating as much when you notice you're OK, you're safe, you're alive, and you can survive big huge feelings coursing through you.

Every time I did The Work, every time I practiced Not Binge-Eating plus self-inquiry, or inquiry-after-too-much-eating, instead of eating-plus-zero-inquiry, my urges to eat or obsess or feel bad diminished.

The urges actually softened all by themselves.

Freaking out with food was no longer necessary for comfort.

But it does take a willingness to do The Work. Sometimes, you just need to listen to other people doing The Work. Sometimes you need to try to answer only one question.

Slowly, in the "right" pace and timing, the gap closes between the stimulus of a thought, and auto-response of believing it (and eating).

Who are we without our stories "I can't seem to recover from insane eating?"

Without the story "there's something wrong with me?"

Happy to be a part of a group of people all interested in understanding this compulsion, and healing it.

I find the gathering of the group together creates a support network that also dissolves the shame and self-hatred often included in this experience of off-balance eating.

So. Are you in? We'll welcome you with open arms.

Register for Eating Peace Inquiry Circle, a community circle supporting online thinking, feeling and eating freedom:

When you register, that will be the same date you are charged your monthly investment each month. Please write if you'd like to change your charge date.

CLICK the big blue button to sign up for EPIC  ($57/mo). SLIDING SCALE Options for reducing your monthly fee based on honor system are offered when you check out. We can't wait to welcome you!



*Can I join the upcoming Eating Peace Inquiry Circle even if I've never taken an eating peace course with you?


However, it really helps if you're familiar with The Work of Byron Katie. But if you're a new person even to The Work, you're certainly welcome to join us and start. You may catch on quick, and it's OK to listen and learn.

*When are the live meetings?

We have 2 virtual meetings per week: for Q&A and coaching in self-inquiry (the primary tool is The Work of Byron Katie). Each meeting is 90 minutes.

Mondays 5pm PT-6:30pm PT and/or Thursdays 10am PT-11:30am PT

*What if I want to lose weight or find some structure around eating? Is this only about self-inquiry?

When anyone joins EPIC, they are encouraged to explore a way of eating that is kind, compassionate, peaceful. There are certain wonderful steps for doing this that students learn in the immersion program Eating Peace Experience. You can learn to do this as well, so you are not using willpower or control to manage your eating, but relaxing into balanced eating that is especially tailored for you.

Finding and committing to a food plan or eating plan is not for everyone--you can get help with this any time from Grace. That's what EPIC is for. The "goal" if there is any goal, is to support you in uncovering your own inner and outer eating peace. This includes body balance, which means trust around weight and body image as you allow the body to relax into its natural, peaceful weight. Weight loss has happened for many on this journey--it tends to have it's own pace, it is not a "diet". There is no need to manage, control, or will the body into the right weight any longer. We are allowing it to fall into the right weight peacefully.

*What if I am vegan or vegatarian....or a carnivore? What if I eat a specific diet like keto?

All forms of eating are welcome here, where you are. You will be learning and discovering a new way of being with food and eating that is not based on the action you're taking with food or diet, but more about the inner experience of eating, and your thoughts and feelings about eating. If a certain way of eating is right for you, we do not hold any way of eating as "right" or "wrong" or "best" or "worst". This work is about ending suffering with eating, with thoughts.

You get to choose what's right for you and allow others to also choose what's right for them. We are trusting the process of life to show us what works and what doesn't. Every body is different. Each person knows best about their own journey, process, needs and wants. You are your own expert--and we are expanding access to our own inner wisdom by questioning the thoughts that say something about us is "wrong" or "missing". Who would you be if there was no "wrong" way to do this eating thing? That's what we're discovering.

When will you open Eating Peace Membership again?

We keep it open to community to join any time. Your monthly investment starts on the day you register (see the button below to join), and next month you'll have the same fee charged to whatever amount you've set up as your membership contribution. You can unsubscribe any time by writing

*Will we be ONLY doing The Work in the Eating Peace Inquiry Circle?

On live calls, that's the primary focus. We have great conversations that are alive in The Work. Sometimes many people on the call get to share and check-in or ask questions important to their journey, or insights. Sometimes only one person begins the way we move with The Work. We are dedicated and interested in questioning our thinking, in recognizing that what we're believing is stressful--and therefore worth questioning, for our own freedom.

*Can I watch recordings? Or do I need to attend live? Can I attend without speaking or turning on my camera?

All the live sessions are saved on a private unfindable youtube channel reserved solely for this membership. Many people have appreciated watching recorded sessions. You can be a part of EPIC and ONLY watch recorded sessions.

If you attend live, you never have to turn on your camera (it's nice if you do--it is more connecting--and it's not required). You may dial in with your phone, or join with zoom directly. It is not necessary to share, ever. I do not call on people. People choose to share in the chat and I DO read out often what I see appearing in the chat, as this is less distracting and more stream-lined for the pace of the inquiry process. The chat is a part of the program, so it's OK to share in chat. Chat does not get recorded, so when I share what is offered in chat, it makes the recordings completely accessible and easy to understand. I will not ever share a private chat message out loud.

It is not necessary to attend any live sessions in order to receive a great benefit from this program (based on feedback from others who have done it this way). You know yourself best and if you are someone who listens to recordings, then this will work for you.

*Is there a way to share in writing in Eating Peace Inquiry Circle?

Yes. An integral part of the program is our private, unsearchable, highly-secure webpage in a program called slack (which is also a free application anyone can download to their phone). Slack is a one-stop page, with a menu of "channels" you can find information in. You'll have a recordings channel which is updated with a new recording every time we meet, and also a channel where you can write out your questions, and/or your own "work" (answering the four questions and finding turnarounds). You can also see all the people in the program, and find partners to work with if you're interested.

Eating Peace Guided Course Included in the Membership:

My deepest desire is to help you end this flip-flop agony between forcing yourself to starve, hating yourself for being greedy, and binge-eating or over-eating in a way that feels severely painful.

Even dangerous.

So in the membership I offer a few of the basic step-by-step elements I found I needed for eating peace. You may need to focus on one of them, or two, or all of them. No particular order. Hopefully this will give you the guidance to your success path through these dark woods of ending eating compulsion.

I notice, when I question the mind, my experience of what is, changes. We can all find an end to the suffering of wanting, wanting, wanting. We can desire peace beyond any bite. It's what we really want, and it's already available to us--we're simply removing the barriers to eating peace.

How do we meet?

You can participate from anywhere. We meet on zoom. You can check your timezone here to see when we meet in your local time. Everyone receives an email in their Inbox with the current zoom link and password. You will be automatically added to the email list when you join EPIC, and automatically removed when you unsubscribe. This is a separate email list from the general Eating Peace email list for any subscriber in the world interested in news from Grace.

Refund or cancellation policy:

You may cancel your membership at any time, and the next scheduled payment will not be withdrawn or charged. There are no refunds for past months. You may like to wait to cancel until just before your monthly payment date (make a note of your date) so you can benefit right up until the last day before you depart.

You are signing up for live calls (all recorded for private, secure replay) and an ongoing tribe of committed peaceful eaters, curriculum content, and regular access to a private forum and private sharing app (you'll get access to this app called Marco Polo when you join).

You've mentioned Marco Polo is a part of EPIC? What is Marco Polo?

Marco Polo is a video texting application that's free, and a way of ongoing sharing in community. No one needs to be a part of this group, but you are automatically invited and it's a delight to share, connect and have a space to easily and honestly share at any time about your experience. Marco Polo allows you to see some of your fears or hesitations about sharing in a group. You do not have to be on camera to share.

Anything you share in Marco Polo is held with respect by the group, it is a practice in unconditional acceptance and noticing. No one needs to listen to anyone else's shares, although most people love to listen to them all. It is possible to skip any video, any time. It's in your hands. Notice that this is also the way food and eating can work--no one can do it for you, and you can't do it alone (even the farmers, grocery stores, land and other humans have contributed to help food arrive in your environment and your home). If you have a problem with someone in the group or in Marco Polo, this may be an incredibly powerful opportunity for The Work.

Register for EPIC (Eating Peace Inquiry Circle) a community circle supporting online thinking, feeling and eating freedom:

When you register, that will be the same date you are charged your monthly investment each month. Please write if you'd like to change your charge date.

Sign Up for Eating Peace mailing list
Sign Up for free General Eating Peace mailing list
Sign Up for Eating Peace mailing list

What people say about eating peace inquiry circle

"I am sitting in the afterglow of our eating meditation today. It's one of those things that I didn't know a thing about even though I bought the mindful vegan book years ago. The eating meditation is really mind blowing. To realize how much I think I'm eating and what I'm thinking it means is revolutionary. These eating meditations are worth the cost of admission. Thank you, Grace, for creating this program for me because it's so needed and I'm able to spread this goodness to those that I'm in contact with just as you are. Self-connection is happening. I have joy, peace, and I can feel love and to love. I almost feel a little drunk, LOL." ~ EPIC member

"Grace, I just wanted to say thank you so much for what you do and what you have stepped into with the work in your own life, holding this space and being present helping others. You are changing the world, or, helping us change our own worlds. Byron Katie just came on my grid, my radar, 3 weeks ago. Then I found you, and where you are in your self speaks volumes--without you speaking volumes--then when you DO speak it's exponentially more peaceful. I have had more peace in the last week and a half since discovering eating peace and EPIC than I've had in....maybe, ever. It's that questioning "is it true?" There's this deconstruction happening. I don't even know if I'm expressing totally, or even partially, the extent of what I'm experiencing. I'm even watching meal meditations on my own when I'm not with you all. And I'm not trying to make it like 'I' have to do this. There's so much grace. It's just amazing, and amazing is not a big enough word. I love you, thank you thank you thank you." ~ EPIC member

"Last night changed my life. What a revelation! I can't put it words what this has catalyzed in me, but it's big and it's peaceful and it's a way that nothing outside of myself, including men or food could ever be (or drugs, or my mom). Thank you all so much." ~ Eating Peace Inquiry Circle

"Thank you so very much for your help in the wonderful program. You gave me much to think about, and I can feel a sense of peace that I can’t remember the last time I felt. Thank you, thank you.”  ~ Eating Peace Process

“I had an amazing night. Woke up around 2.30 and worked ‘I need to control my eating’. I clearly saw that fears are what drive the eating. It feels like I cracked the code! So simple. I've done some work on my eating but not at this depth! Thank you so much." ~ Eating Peace Basics.

"What I did not know coming into the program was how incredibly supported I would be every day. I can be quiet, I can be loud, whether I reach out or not, I am supported. There is something every day. There are other people to connect with, and a lot of contact from Grace. I could not have imagined this. This daily, constant support as a part of the program is amazing. If I had realized the support, I would have felt resolved with any question of price or time. My experience was that Grace was clear, focused and directed. It’s a great comfort to know this program supports my lifestyle. I could never have seen it coming. Thank you. ~ J.O. Eating Peace Experience Immersion 2020

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