November 8-10, 2024 Seattle Retreat in Freedom With The Work

Immersive: morning, afternoon, and evening sessions daily. Special focus on being free in the body, feeling The Work from the neck down.

Non-residential (stay nearby in place of your choice).

Learn more here.

Sign Up

December 6-13, 2024 Mount Madonna, California

The Work + Yoga Retreat

All meals included, accommodation choices from camping to private cabins and rooms. Yoga each day before breakfast and after dinner, The Work all day.

Learn more here.

ONLINE: Pain, Sickness & Death Mini Retreat

Oct 28-Nov 2, 2024 8-10am PT Daily

Considering death, pain, illness and all the ailments that can appear in the body...who would you be without these thoughts?


Hello, Grace here.

Life can be hard.

But what if our thoughts and feelings about life are the hardest part?

We can do something about those (without discipline, willpower, or plans). Inner peace is possible for everyone, no matter what has ever happened. Including you.

You have what it takes to change. You were born with it. I work with people who have forgotten that, who have tried everything to change, who are tired of seeing life as hard and themselves as damaged, suffering or unwell.

"Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." ~ Joseph Campbell


  • Start Here with self-inquiry learning by doing The Work of Byron Katie: How to make peace with trouble Course (it's free)
  • Inquiry With Grace Live 2x Monthly Group Sessions in The Work of Byron Katie free for everyone
  • Retreats in person + online
  • Year of Inquiry An online inquiry community in this powerful self-inquiry using The Work of Byron Katie.
  • Eating Peace Basics A foundational DIY home study course to uncover eating peace. Enroll and begin immediately.
  • Living With Money A Do It Yourself home study course for making friends with money. Enroll and access instantly.
  • Mini Workshops Short workshops with instant access on self-sabotage, eating, cravings, or self-criticism

"Grace can seem like she's not doing anything until 'WAZHAM!' it hits you. 'It' hits you, because it's really Grace's gentle and seemingly invisible guidance that brings you not to her answers, but to your own."

Grace Bell, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie

Grace Bell, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie

Grace Bell, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie

When you're upset, self-inquiry can change everything

Whether you've gone through a troubling time, a difficult relationship, or have an shameful habit or addiction......self-inquiry is a way to address your situation from the inside out, and settle down the mind so you can see clearly, make productive choices, and find true freedom.

Grace has extensive training and personal experience in The Work of Byron Katie, a graduate degree in Applied Behavioral Science and training in multiple theories of psychology and human behavior,

but the element that matters most is knowing and exploring who we as humans are without believing our stressful stories, our thoughts about life, our conditioning, our history, or our imagined future. This is practical.

Visit Course Library


Retreats are a profound way to sit in self-inquiry as a meditation with the power of the group, and truly shift your stressful thinking. Join me online, in Seattle, or other wonderful locations. 


Year of Inquiry With Grace: Join a brilliant community

A transformative membership program to radically question fear, hurt, grief, and anger AND pratice facilitating others. Like Ram Dass says, 'we're all walking each other home'. Question your thinking, change your world. 

Is Eating a Battlezone?

1) Watch the webinar on the five most important beliefs to question to shift your eating wars, forever. 

Learn more about Eating Peace offerings

Get the raw honest gritty and sometimes hilare "grace notes" blog or eating peace videos (or both) in your Inbox: click a link to sign up

"Grace, I cannot let too many of these posts get into my soul and not send a thank you -- although I want to shower you with blessings and thanks for every one I gobble up. Your sharing and insights are my soul food, my Being Candy, my It's-Okay-It's-Good-For-You drug of choice”. ~ SD in Minnesota

What Clients Say

"If you want to question your thoughts, feeling, culture and/or family of origin, I can't think of a safer form or facilitator/coach. I highly recommend spending time with yourself in this workshop. It helped me open up to seeing and behaving differently than the norms I've been stuck in. Thankyou, Grace."

- Retreat Participant Summer 2024

"Grace integrated people from all levels of Byron Katie and self-inquiry experience in an incredibly safe container and made it seem effortless."

- Retreat Participant Autumn 2023

"Grace models The Work with an open heart and wisdom. She creates a profoundly safe place to confront the fears that cause me to suffer. She guided me to see I am in charge of my life. She demonstrated how to use The Work to navigate the toughest situations in life. I am grateful for this life-altering experience.

-Retreat Participant Summer 2024

"Wanted you to know that I am in a MUCH better place now with The Work. I am with the love of my life, have found plentiful, awesome work, am more energetic and healthy than I have been since I was a child...and just feel good in my bones. You helped me through a hard, dark period more than you know."

- Client + Year of Inquiry graduate

"I've realized that what’s been happening for me since the Eating Peace course ended; my inner mentor has come forward more and is now ready to be fully in charge. It’s been powerful for me to see that this is ME and not an external character. It’s so clear now. I feel an indescribable peace. This is new. I can put the stressful thoughts on the side without having to do more than a few minutes exercise and get to a peaceful place. It’s kind of a miracle!"

- Eating Peace Experience Graduate 

"What a gift to experience a workshop with Grace!  Her experience, open heart and dedicated practice in The Work were the foundation for a powerful week of inquiry.  Grace brings a loving, steady, compassionate and playful spirit that supports courageous inquiry and powerful transformations.  The exercises and discussions flowed seamlessly, excavating beliefs and building new connections with self and each other as together we questioned our suffering and supported each other in discovering our freedoms."

- Danielle, Summer Retreat Participant 2020

"I never thought of myself as restricting food since I've never been anorexic, but now I see some food being 'bad' is restricting. Now I can see food as fuel for my body and not good or bad. This was a perfect blend of The Work of Byron Katie and new exercises. Grace was present, compassionate, and kept us focused. I loved how she demonstrated The Work and was willing to answer any questions."

- Wendy, Eating Peace Retreat 2020

"I know that speaking shame is the way to help it have less power, but to experience this around food and body was profound. It all worked for me, the content was just what I needed. Grace is amazing, She was able to meet each person just as they are."

- Emily, Eating Peace Retreat 2020 

"Grace is amazing!! She is a presence of pure peace, love and welcome. She created and held such a safe space for all of us to slow down and get in touch with our needs, our story, and ultimately our freedom. Deeply grateful. The Work works!!!."

- Rebekah, Retreat Participant

"Grace is a bright light, supportive, intelligent, the perfect facilitator for this work. I am excited to continue to work with her and attend more of her retreats. She is gentle but strong and holds space for self-discovery beautifully. I am free, and actually believe it. I am safe, and actually feel it in my bones."

- Retreat Participant 

"Grace directs the group with kindness and compassion. She leaves plenty of room for questions and discussion, and then brings the group back to the topic and The Work always. I am so glad I opted to stay at the retreat house. Sharing a space with women during the day and the late night/early morning discussions were connecting and beautiful."

- Vanessa, Eating Peace Retreat

"I honestly can't think of anything that wasn't helpful in this experience. I love that we dove right in the first night going deep vs letting it build. Every exercise, question, writing, sharing, small journals for eating were perfectly timed. Grace simply is a master of modeling respect and love for others. I am a fan for life."

- Tracy, Eating Peace Retreat

Join Grace to investigate the source of unrest (including eating or other compulsive activity), quit the self-sabotage, and return home within

See all the ways to Work with Grace